Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello, I am 46 years old and a type 1 diabetic now for 20 years. Around the age of 40 I started to develop complications. When they started, it was like a cascade effect and it seemed like every doctor visit there was another problem. I have two sons and was worried that I would not be around for them very long.

I have found a way that has reversed all my complications. I did not say CURED as that would be a misstatement. A cure would mean gone forever. I say reversed because if I stop doing what I am doing they come back. I have learned that complications as well as all disease have a very strong link to Oxidation or Oxidative Stress in the body. I created a website that posts my story and a lot of research backing up the link to oxidative stress.
My website address is please check it out and tell me your thoughts. It has been difficult getting a conversation started with others about this. Why? I am not sure. It may be due to the difficulty of reading the scientific research papers that are posted. Here is a way to read and understand them. If you are using a Google browser or tool bar on your browser, then when you come across a word that you dont understand, highlite it and a little box will appear on the top right of the word, click on box and a drop down menu appears and the top choice is "define" just scroll over "define" and another box appears with a definition of the word. It really makes reading difficult material much easier.

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